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  • Updated for December 2024
  • Based on official Colorado Driver's manual

Free Colorado DMV Permit Practice Test 2024

This Colorado DMV practice test has just been updated for December 2024 and covers 40 of the most essential road signs and rules questions directly from the official 2024 CO Driver Handbook. The DMV written test is made up of 25 multiple-choice questions. You’ll need to correctly answer at least 20 of the 25 questions correctly to qualify for your instruction permit. If you’re under 18 when applying for your permit, you’ll need to bring a signed parental consent form. Also, for those between 15 and 15 ½, you’ll need to provide proof of a completed 30-hour course in driver education before you can apply for a driver education permit. If you’re between 15 ½ and 16, you can be eligible for a minor instruction permit by proving you’ve completed a 30-hour driver education course or a four-hour driver awareness class. You’ll also need to pass a vision test and pay a $16.80 permit fee or $11.15 if you need to retake your written exam. Each multiple-choice question has 4 answers, one of them being the correct answer. For practice purposes, we have also included the Hint section. Only use it when you have no idea of the correct answer. Please note that there will be no such hints at the real Colorado DMV Test. To help you remember the correct answers even better, when you make a mistake, we will immediately display the right answer and you’ll get a brief explanation of the concepts. We will randomize the questions every time, so no two practice tests are the same.



Can I take the permit test online?

No, in Colorado, the permit test must be taken in person at a DMV office. Online testing options are not available for the permit test.

What are effective study methods for the permit test?

Studying for the permit test involves thoroughly reviewing the Colorado Driver Handbook and taking practice tests to become familiar with the format and types of questions.

Can I obtain my driver’s license at 21 without a permit?

Yes, in Colorado, individuals aged 21 and over can apply for a driver’s license without first obtaining a learner’s permit, but they must still pass the written, vision, and road tests.

Is it possible to get a permit at 15?

In Colorado, you can obtain a learner’s permit at the age of 15, but you must be enrolled in a driver education course, pass the written test, and meet other state requirements.

How much does a learner’s permit cost?

The cost for a learner’s permit in Colorado is around $16.80, but it’s recommended to check the latest fee on the Colorado DMV website or at a local DMV office.


  • Perfect for learner’s permit, driver’s license, and Senior Refresher Test

What you need to know

6 min to complete
Available in EN, ES, RU
Verified by Steven Litvintchouk, M.S., Chief Educational Researcher, Member of ACES. See our detailed commitment to accuracy and quality in our practice tests.

What to expect on the actual CO DMV exam




correct answers to pass


passing score

15 y/o

minimum age to apply

List of questions (classic view)

  1. If the traffic signals at the intersection are not operating, treat the intersection as
  2. A lighted red arrow means that
  3. A steady yellow traffic light at an intersection indicates that drivers need to
  4. What does this regulatory sign indicate?
  5. When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road that is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill
  6. You are on a multilane highway and approach an emergency vehicle that has stopped along the side of the road. You must
  7. Under ideal conditions, the stopping distance for a lightweight passenger car traveling at 55 mph is
  8. Which of the following statements is true?
  9. When a school bus is stopped with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the road, the driver must
  10. What does this diamond-shaped sign indicate?
  11. If you are making a left turn, you must begin
  12. What does this sign mean?
  13. Where parking is permitted, your vehicle must be within ________ of the curb.
  14. When turning corners, use the ________ method to turn the steering wheel.
  15. Drivers must use _______ to enter high-speed roadways.
  16. This traffic sign indicates
  17. When passing and reentering the lane in front of trucks or buses, drivers must maintain a constant speed because trucks and buses require
  18. No-Zones are the areas around trucks and buses where cars disappear into
  19. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
  20. This sign indicates that
  21. When it looks like a collision may happen, drivers must act immediately to
  22. When an animal suddenly runs in front of your vehicle, you must
  23. The driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) between ________ is presumed to be Driving While Ability to drive is Impaired (DWAI).
  24. What does this sign mean?
  25. When a street has a shared center turn lane, the driver
  26. Which of the following is considered to be a safe driving practice?
  27. Drivers must keep their windshield wipers in good operating condition because
  28. What does this sign mean?
  29. Because of their size, trucks and buses often need to move ________to make right turns.
  30. The penalty for drinking and driving with a blood alcohol contentration (BAC) of 0.08% is between
  31. Which of the following statements is true?
  32. This reflective, triangular orange sign represents
  33. When driving in rural areas, drivers must pay more attention to
  34. All trucks and buses have
  35. According to the National Safety Council, a loaded truck traveling at 55 mph with good tires and properly adjusted brakes on a clear, dry roadway requires a minimum of ________ to come to a complete stop.
  36. What does this picture illustrate?
  37. Drivers must use the _______ rule to maintain a safe following distance.
  38. You must use your _______ with your fog lights off, if you are within 200 feet of the vehicle ahead of you.
  39. Motorists must give a bicyclist a minimum buffer of _______ when overtaking or passing.
  40. What does this sign represent?
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